This is an adventurous idle game where you play as a lady who just wants to go on an adventure and see where the road takes her.  She'll make friends, see sights, and grow stronger.

This is intended to be an idle game that you can realistically beat without the need to let run in the background for weeks on end. There will be progression, and eventually even an ending.

This is a slow-burn project for me. The first release is somewhat bare-bones but has the fundamentals. As I have the time I'll be adding mechanics, plot, more characters, and raising the level cap.

v0.6 - Four new quests
- New character (Ovoss)
- Level cap raised to 150
- Six new enemies
- Two new contracts
- Two new weapons
- Visible Damage numbers (effect can be disabled on the title)
- Other battle effects

v0.5.1 - Fixed bug that sometimes didn't let you level past 100
- Added console command to assist with unintended save deletion

v0.5 - One new contract
-Two new quests
-New character (Kelile)
-Level cap raised to 120
-Two new enemies
-Camp cap increased to 10
-Redesigned camp tab a bit
-Hero menu no longer shows last names for clarity
-Fixed bug where one of the camp slots didn't actually do anything

StatusIn development
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(16 total ratings)
GenreStrategy, Adventure, Role Playing
Made withConstruct
TagsCasual, Construct 2, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Idle, LGBT, Singleplayer

Development log


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Everything is capped, everyone is 150 - managed to beat 175, but can go no further (i'm sure if i kept fishing i could do it but i'm tired) and i can't beat the dragon. Wonderful update!

Passed 171 basically by luck and can only bring the Dragon to half health

Levels are at cap (150), everything unlocked, formation below

Hint:The dragon hits an entire vertical row each attack.

(1 edit)

Geez, you were not kidding about that boss in the patch notes. Took about an hour of tries to clear after I got something resembling a strategy down. Ended up winning with a mutual kill where the boss happended to die like, a frame before my last party member. Hahah

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So, dragons exist. Woo training making things easier! Lol the possibility of getting all fluffy blue cloud battle.

Typo for Confidance > confidence

what was it you had to draw that was outside your comfort zone


It was the new character. It wasn't so much that it was uncomfortable to draw, but something I was inexperienced with. I ended up not pushing as hard as I wanted to, but I'm at least happy with the result.

aw fair enough will have to start a new file (lost my old one) and play soon

I can't seem to load the game past the Start menu? the music keeps playing, but the game gets stuck on a black screen.

I shouldn't have changed anything that could cause that. I wonder if there's some edge case about loading old save data. I'll take a look and see if I can find anything.

Curious if anyone's managed to get past stage 141.

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah, I'm at Main Adventure 142 with Poison Bunny Cape Alicia at 117 and everyone else is 120. Getting past that is probably possible, but there's nothing for it except more bragging rights, so nah.

Bunny for Alicia, Alia and Gnep, Half-plate everyone else. Max Camp.

Arrangement in a pyramid pattern, each front line blocking for the back:

          Kelile        Julia

      Tia     Sophie      Alicia

Alia   Gnep     Cyan

That's almost exactly what have, just mirrored. I must be getting bad enemy rng.

And our targetting by click strats might be different. I try to poison the back row first?

Me too haha

(1 edit)

It might actually be better to not keep the bombers all the way at the back and swap their places with the single-targetters, since bombers' single-target damage is IIRC weaker, so unless the final enemies are positioned good, bombs aren't the best at cleaning up?

EDIT: Just a hypothesis since I don't feel like testing.


i am using this exactly, everyone and everything is maxed, and i am stalled at stage 145.
Wow it takes a lot of fishing to get a good enemy arrangement but it can be done.
Least amount of bats as possible (preferably only one) -> Enemies are as grouped as possible, with the bat somewhere near the middle -> Poison the bat first, then get everyone poisoned -> Hope it works out, but if not, resume fishing


the save deletion was caused by doing a c hange a while back all HTML games had their saves wiped

Congrats on another update! And uh, thanks for the catchup function. I see to have been affected by the save loss as well.

(6 edits)

Basically restarted the game, got to Main Adventure 91 in about half-a-day with a lot of idling.

I'm assuming "Camp cap increased to 10" is an unlock at Main adventure 100 or something, since my Camp equipment is currently maxed at LV 5.
Only realized it keeps playing when off-focus even though there's no sound, when I went elsewhere while it was looping!
The Mookomaan takes soo long to complete! I already capped out my money and it's maybe a third done?

Main adventure 120 took a lot of rerolls of encounters before winning! Everyone and everything's maxed out!

Kelile starts at LV 100! Woo!

And I think I'll stop here. No need to keep going, just moles and co? No more quests? 2 day game! Nice!


Camp cap is increased when you get the quest at 105. You don't have to complete the quest, it just didn't "occur" to her before then. There seems to be an error that caps your level at 100 until you refresh the page, I'll look into that. The Mookomaan is intended to be a long-term contract. Don't worry too much about capping it right away!

Yep! Thanks for replying! Reloaded the game and 100 isn't the cap anymore!

(3 edits) (+1)

I made it to level much farther does this go?!

(I'm guessing it's endless and procedurally generated.)

Well, anyway, this is definitely fitting the bill, i.e. being a game that can be idled but also doesn't running for weeks.  Being able to get to what's functionally the end of the game in half a day made it actually rather reasonable as far as idle games go.

I read that the browser saves my progress.  I hope it does since it's taken half a day to get here, and I'm gonna have to stop until maybe the next update or something.

Edit: oof, I had an all-tree spawn on 121 but still didn't beat it.  aww...

Edit: beat 121, finally!

(4 edits) (+2)

Wish the new Quest unlocked without having to beat an earlier level for it, if you've already passed Battle 70 or whatever.

Additions sound good from the comments, etc!

Bought Everything, Main adventure: Battle 117 is the near-unwinnable battle! Unless I get massive majority of trees, which gets me to 121 and possibly a bit further, but not gonna roll the dice.

That poison sword is beastly! Also, imp kinda cute.

the posion sword and cap can only be equipped by alicia 


That is the intent. Most party members are only going to be getting some weapon and armor upgrades, while Alicia will be much more customizable.

ok fair enough 

(1 edit)

Gasp! A new update? You know what that means - time to replay... AGAIN! :D 
Alright and that's everything completed~ Everything & everyone maxed, level 80 done, delightful!
As a note, Naka, one has to refresh the page in order to access levels 71-80, it doesn't allow you to just continue on, which is weird? So that's a thing.

ehm, did I do something wrong?
been playing the web version here for the last few hours and just beat main game level 70.
and that's it?
like no next level or anything?
not even "you won" message?

what even is the latest update message talking about, there aint an<thing beyond level 70 here :-(

Maxed out everything and love this game. can't wait for the next update. ^_^


Man, Cyan is CONFIDENT. Dude's displaying for dominance.

(11 edits)

Holy, Tia's ripped! EDIT: Ha! Even literally!

The View All, Follow(ing), etc. block off the currency display.

Hmm, Main Adventure 6 is easier with 2 Worms than 1. Wish I knew that monster counts can vary.

And bees are the easiest type of enemy? Hit slow and weak? And they disappear in Smith's Errand 2nd Half. Oof.

Only figured out click quotes when trying to go in battle while looking at Alia. Hmm

Dang, EXP cap at 30K. Wish I returned sooner. Oh, cap increases with higher Main Quest zones or something?

Finally figured out that I can move my party around in Main Adventure 70! Everyone's LV 70 except for Julia at 58!

Meeting Alia typo:

adventurer's > adventurers


Funny bug: when you repeat quest Extermination, you can go beyond level 70.

(4 edits)

You mean Main Adventure Battle 70? Yeah, I can see 71-75 now and can go back but need Extermination to return. And can use Extermination to get to 76-80 too. And there's basically where I'd have to stop. With a really good encounter, I could probably beat 76, but that's taking a while.

But did it. Had a cluster of 4? Flowers and ~2 Mushrooms.

(1 edit)

A new update? You know what that means! Time to replay - again! :D

Edit: And everything's maxed! i love the armor, i love the new character! <3


The girls not only have actual armor now, but you update the portraits and the little sprites in combat to reflect that. That's a real nice touch.

I wonder how much of a slow burn development this is gonna be.

Completed everything once - yay! Came back to it again, none of my progress saved. That's ok, time to Do It All Again! Excited for more stuff, whenever it happens~

Love the game idea.

already reached max (stage 40 lvl 50 max camp)... ready to read and live through more story! :)


Neat game. If you're adding to it in future, a way to grind money would be great. At the moment you seem to have to manually click through all fifteen fights on the Extermination quest every time you want to earn coins, even when you're massively over-levelled.

nice game

Kinda dangerous to be adventuring without any kind of armor :D

(1 edit)

I also noticed that the level stops at level 40 but if you refresh the page you'll be on the next area but if you hit the down arrow you'll be stuck back in the level 40 area but refreshing the page will get you back there again. I made it all the way to level 51 before having to stop.

The intended cap is 40 for now. That you can go beyond is a bug. Should be simple to fix.


The most important feature of a idle game is that you can run it in the back ground while doing other things. Which isn't the case with this idle game as you can't have it running in a different tab nor can you have it open in a separate widow. Because as soon as you leave the page or click on a different tab the game stops doing anything till you click it again.

hmm i can run it on the background 

Not for me it doesn't. Using chrome and if I go to a different tab or open a new window everything stops till I come back to the page.

Unfortunately, this is an engine limitation. I'll look into what solutions are available to me, but all I can do for now is offer workarounds. The game is designed so that you shouldn't need to leave it run for too long, so hopefully it isn't too big an inconvenience. Otherwise if you open it in a new browser window, instead of a new tab, and leave the window open, behind your first window, it should continue running.

Deleted 3 years ago

good game.